Tyrone Edge: Phoenix Athletic Club

Our guest for episode #4 of the Just Fly Performance Podcast is Tyrone Edge, a level 5 IAAF coach, working with the Phoenix Athletic Club in Ontario Canada.  Edge works with athletes of all levels of development, from youth to national competitors.

He is a true student of speed training, and has extensive experience in the methodology of Charlie Francis and his work at the Optimist track club.

Just Fly Performance Podcast #4: Tyrone Edge

View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

I love talking to Canadian sprint coaches, as they have a great sport culture, and know their stuff well.   In this interview, we cover topics such as:

  • The long to short sprint debate, and weather based considerations
  • The use of “up-back” sprinting in speed development
  • Speed training in cold-weather conditions
  • The importance of training environment and camps
  • How to run a training camp on a low budget
  • Grass running, and why it is of importance in speed development
  • Environmental considerations in training athletes
  • Detaching from technology in the pursuit of better health and increased athletic abilities
  • Thoughts on youth athletic development in light of modern physical education

Tyrone is also putting on a great event, called the World Speed Summit, featuring 17 of the top minds in the industry in regards to speed and power training, recovery, nutrition, sport psychology, and more.  You can access the talks for free by following this link:

Get Free Access

“One of the things I picked up from Charlie Francis… the mesomorph is going to respond better to short to long speed/power program with more lifting.  The ectomorph tends to be better off on a “hard work” program… could be long to short, or blended, there are lots of ways to do this”

“Your environment is going to dictate what’s a possibility and what’s not”

“That’s something I straight learned from Charlie Francis, stay on the soft surfaces as long as you can (for sprint training)”

(regarding training camps) “The farther away you can get from society, the better”

“Parents want to see little Timmy score more goals, but that’s not what little Timmy needs.  Timmy needs to go to gymnastics, and learn to have as big of a motor patterning base as he can have, so when he gets a little bit older and stronger, and decides what sport he likes the most, he can be an actual athlete, and can actually do something”

“There is not nearly enough general athletic development going on in youth populations”

“Kids need to be in gymnastics, swimming, run-jump and throw programs”

Free Speed Training eBook - Velocity 101

Velocity 101 eBook

Improving speed is one of the most popular topics in the athletic performance equation.  Where there are many ideas and thoughts out there, as to particular training exercises, or setups, the more core aspects of speed training often go without mention.  These include the fundamental aspects of what makes an athlete fast, specific sprint-power concepts, the relevance of "3D" motion, motor learning and more.  

Velocity 101 will help you take a leap forward in understanding of what makes athletes fast, and how to train it effectively

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